Game Design is combination of technical knowledge, creativity and psychology. Here are some of the some essential principles that need to be kept in mind.
Players should experience a balancing challenge and skills to keep them immersed. Some external rewards points, achievements or unlockable to keep the players engaged. Players should feel rewarded through gameplay itself like exploring the game, new story telling, skill mastery etc
Get immediate and instant responses for their actions, visual, sound or haptic feedback. UI/UX should be clear and neat so that it should be easy to access and understand. There should be progress indicators so that they can see their progress such as XP bars, leadership boards or achievements.
The story should complement gameplay, not interrupt it. Environment storytelling will let the world know the story through visuals and details also character development makes the character relatable and compelling.
Players should feel their decisions matter with strategy tactics to solve problem, moral choices that impact the story or world and best customization so that players can tailor their experience through skills, outfits or playstyles.
No mechanic should overpowered or underpowered. Challenges should increase at steady pace and rewards should feel proportional to effort and risk.
Game design is a great balance between creativity, strategy and player psychology. By following key principles such as engaging gameplay loops, meaningful choices, balanced difficulty and immense storytelling, developers can craft experience that interests the players. Leaning game design from Bangalore Animation College, Bangalore, the best design college in India for developing your skills.
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Bangalore Animation College
Cambridge Layout
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Bangalore Animation College
Cambridge Layout
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Bangalore Animation College
Cambridge Layout